by Grant Kennedy | 3 Apr, 2020 | Berni-Corona
How strong is your faith in these troubling times? Come on, with this whole Corona virus thing unfolding – hey, people are dying … will you catch it too? How strong is your faith? I read this recently on Facebook: The way we deal with uncertainty lets us know whether... by Grant Kennedy | 3 Apr, 2020 | Berni-Corona
Let’s be honest. This whole Corona virus thing has a lot of people rattled. The world’s in panic mode. So, deep down inside, how are you handling it? When all you hear in the news is how bad things are … stock markets crashing, retirement savings evaporating,... by Bob Gass | 3 Apr, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘…He who comes to God must believe that…He is a rewarder…’ Hebrews 11:6 NAS Christopher Pylant’s parents refused to believe there was no hope for their son who’d been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour. After studying the x–rays, neurosurgeon Ben...