by Bob Gass | 29 Feb, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘…do not…be anxious about tomorrow…’ Matthew 6:34 AMP Most of the stuff we worry about never happens, or turns out better than we anticipate. Worry, like faith, is a spiritual force. Like a magnet, it attracts the very things we fear, clouds our judgment and... by Bob Gass | 28 Feb, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘These commandments… Impress them on your children.’ Deuteronomy 6:6–7 NIV A great preacher once said, ‘When times are troubled we cry, “God, give us men to match our mountains.” In reply, God gives us children and says, “Here’s the building material.”’ We are... by Bob Gass | 27 Feb, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘…if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.’ Philippians 4:8 NIV You do not have more problems than other people—you just think about them more often! Stop: go back and reread that sentence. Take a moment and consider what it means. It is... by Bob Gass | 26 Feb, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘…the Lord…has pleasure in [our] prosperity.’ Psalm 35:27 NKJV Ignatius Loyola prayed, ‘Teach us, Lord, to serve You as You deserve, to give and not count the cost, to fight and not heed the wounds, to toil and not seek for rest, to labour and not ask for any... by Bob Gass | 25 Feb, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘…the Lord…has pleasure in [our] prosperity.’ Psalm 35:27 NKJV God delights in seeing His children succeed; what good parent wouldn’t? Jesus said, ‘If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in...