by Henry Peterson | 1 Jun, 2023 | Living Today
Here is a testimony from Lepani about seeing God’s calling in his work and how God opened the right doors for him to be connected with a local Church in the Solomon Islands. Greetings in Jesus’ Name from the Hapi (Happy) Isles, Solomon Islands. It is with... by Henry Peterson | 25 May, 2023 | Living Today
Here is a testimony from Lepani reflecting on God’s goodness and faithfulness in the past… With Pentecost Sunday 2023 around the corner to be celebrated on 28 May, 2023, I wish to reflect on an event that took place on Pentecost Sunday here in the Solomon... by Henry Peterson | 22 Aug, 2022 | inspiration, Living Today
Did you know that God is not waiting for us to pray before He starts to work? It’s not like He’s saying, “Hey church, if you don’t pray, I can’t do anything.” The fact is that God is always “up to something”. He’s purposely been out-working His redemptive plan, a plan... by Grant Kennedy | 27 Apr, 2022 | inspiration, Living Today
By: yesHEis Jesse is a life coach—passionate about skateboarding and Jesus. We talked to him about his story and how he uses his past to change people’s future… Jesse: “So, growing up out in Western Sydney was a bit rough. After going through a miscarriage, a meth... by Grant Kennedy | 29 Oct, 2021 | Living Today
By Author: Sabrina Peters When you hear the term ‘purpose’, what words come to mind? Success? Happiness? Meaning? Wealth? Marriage? Influence? Affluence? Talent? Relationships? As a Christian, I find my answer in God’s Word. Romans 12:1-2 (TM) puts it like this, “So,...