Work on improving your communication skills
Whether in your personal life or your job, learning how to communicate with others is essential to success and happiness in a relationship. Apart from obtaining facts, communication should deliver a way to gain some understanding into the heart and mind of another person. And good communication calls for translation. Really, you’re learning that other person’s language.
We all use the same words, but we have unique languages when it comes to love. What you mean when you say, ‘I need someone to be here for me,’ might not be what the other person means when they say, ‘I will be here for you.’ You need to learn their personal language without prior assumptions weighing you down.
Understanding others will serve you well for years to come. It will stop you from treating them as though they are simply you in a different shape, or imagining that they are just like your best friend. We all need to love and be loved, but we use different means of communication to express our desires. Don’t be fearful of checking what people really mean to make sure you’re both singing from the same song sheet.
A good practice after having a conversation is to summarise what you took in from the conversation to ensure you understood the person correctly. This gives them a chance to correct any misunderstanding. You may be shocked at how many times you hear something totally different from what was intended! Lasting happiness doesn’t come from owning things, it comes from having good relationships. So, work on improving your communication skills. It’s well worth the investment!